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10. december 2021

Súťaž Rukki The Unbelievable Challenge 2021

Veselé zadanie, vážna architektonická výzva. Z množstva prihlásených projektov sa do finále súťaže dostalo aj Slovensko.
Súťaž Rukki The Unbelievable Challenge 2021

Študenti a čerství absolventi architektonických škôl sa aj v roku 2021 mohli zapojiť do súťaže Unbelievable Challenge. Vyhlasuje ju fínska spoločnosť Ruukki, ktorá sa špecializuje na stavebné materiály schopné odolať drsnému severskému počasiu. Tému aktuálneho ročníka súťaže zadával fiktívny investor Santa Claus.

Témou ideovej súťaže "The Unbelievable Challenge 2021" bol návrh múzea snehu v severofínskom meste Rovaniemi, ktoré je obchodným centrom Laponska. "Rovaniemi je mesto blízke Santovmu srdcu, ktorý má obavy z klimatických zmien a ubúdajúcej snehovej prikrývky," píše sa v zadaní.

Aj keď zadanie aj investor boli fikciou, mladí autori sa museli vysporiadať so serióznym problémom riešenia parkového komplexu s vonkajšou a vnútornou expozíciou. "Programová náplň, ale tiež architektúra má ukázať, ako rozumne využívať prírodné zdroje, aby radosť zo snehu mohla sprevádzať aj budúce generácie," uvádzajú porotcovia. Fasáda pritom zohráva kľúčovú úlohu, komunikuje navonok náplň budovy, prispieva k začleneniu objektu do krajiny. 

Do súťaže The Unbelievable Challenge 2021 sa prihlásilo celkom 18 návrhov, z ktorých porota vybrala piatich finalistov. Okrem víťaza boli všetci finalisti ocenení finančnou odmenou vo výške 1 000 Eur. Partnermi súťaže boli mesto Rovaniemi a architektonické štúdiá WXCA (Poľsko) a Snøhetta (Nórsko).

Víťazný návrh a finalisti
Víťazný návrh a finalisti


Porota, ktorú tvorili architektky Eli Synnevåg (Snöhetta) a Marta Sękulska-Wrońska (WXCA), architekt a víťaz súťaže z roku 2014 Alexandru Oprita, ako aj Sipi Hintsanen, zástupca mesta Rovaniemi a Jānis Zaharāns, zástupca spoločnosti Ruukki rozhodla o výsledkoch súťaže nasledovne:

Víťaz - "Re-Ice"
Autorka: Hanna Galas (Poľsko)
Cena: Šesťmesačná, plne hradená stáž vo varšavskom ateliéri WXCA a 1,000 €

Porota ocenila spojenie náplne, zameranej na budovanie povedomia o klimatickej kríze, a návrhu v prírodnom prostredí na brehu rieky. Projekt “Re-Ice” prepája múzeum s náučným chodníkom, prepojeným s okolitými cestičkami. Minimálny zásah do okolitej krajiny vytvára na pozemku okruh s prvkami interaktívnej vonkajšej expozície, kde môže návštevník zažiť hru s vodou, ľadom, snehom. Zážitok sa bude líšiť v závislosti od ročného obdobia, vďaka čomu je lokalita atraktívna po celý rok. 

V zóne vzdialenejšej od rieky autorka situovala hlavnú budovu múzea, ktorú tvorí dvojica blokov prepojených vestibulom. Výsledná architektúra je voľne inšpirovaná formami z okolitej krajiny a zamrznutými skalami na brehu rieky. Vnútorná náplň, prvky vonkajšej expozície aj architektonické riešenie ukazujú ako rozumne využívať prírodné zdroje, aby radosť zo snehu mohla sprevádzať aj budúce generácie.


Finalista - "DETACHED"
Autor: Štefánia Vasilková (Slovensko)
Cena: 1,000 €

Komentár poroty:

"The pavilion collage settles solidly into the park. Buildings with a lively shape form a courtyard that invites you to enjoy and play. The location of entrance square and outdoor skating rink is justified. The car park is resource efficient in connection with the existing street area. The ensemble creates natural new walking routes keeping with the tradition that began with the Rovaniemi bus station and has since continued in the theater building.

Functionally, the museum is well planned. The level differences make the route trough exhibition clear and interesting. The location of the museum shop and café would require reassessment so as not to force the museum visitors to walk through the museum shop. The river landscape should be better utilized. 

The fresh forms of exterior architecture motivated by snowdrift would have made the omission stand out also in all indoor areas open to the public. As a whole, the work is a convincing view of the Museum of Snow."


Finalista - "SNOWDRIFT"
Autor: Alice Šindelářová a Petra Macholánová (Česká republika)
Cena: 1,000 €

Komentár poroty:
"The Snowdrift project reflects the competition's criteria for sustainability, energy efficiency and the theme of snow. The building is created from sustainable materials and provides a visual image of the museum in form of a snowdrift with open façades.

The area around building is planned according to the needs of the museum, especially providing a place for Santa's sleigh. The building does not dominate the city landscape and allows free access to the urban environment without disturbing the existing panorama.

Although the construction of the building is complex, steel construction solution with glazing and façade panel finish makes it light and open. The open layout of the rooms with high ceilings gives the rooms a welcoming feeling and invites you to explore it deeper. The solution allows us to believe in the miracle of snow that we are enjoying today - the snow we want to preserve also in the future."


Autor: Mohamed Raslan (Maďarsko)
Cena: 1,000 €

Komentár poroty:
"The Melting Globe was one of the strongest and most holistic proposal in the competition. It has a wide approach, looking back at vernacular architecture and into the future by proposing the museum that focuses on the imminent climate changes in the artic region.

The proposal sets a dramatic stage for the natural scenography of the ongoing changes. It utilizes the whole site. By lowering the built volume, the roof becomes a surface for staging and backdrop for seasonal shift, and different qualities of snow and ice. By lowering the massing, the scheme provides great view across the river and the city with the globe as the key focus point. The sequence of spaces upon arrival to the project and tomblike entrance prepares the public for the museum experience. The grand staircase submerges the guests, and the central feature of the globe add to this narrative. The plans are well organized and considered, and especially the section describes the qualities of the project.

The author has proposed several convincing sustainability measures, from the overall concept to detailed understanding. The jury questions whether the choice of Cor-Ten steel as the main façade is the best material to create the required image for a snow museum. However, the jury would like to give the author credit for a brave, strong, and alarming architectural statement, a clear conceptual thinking and an ability to improve the design based on feedback. It was a close race with the winning entry."


Finalista - "ICEBERG“
Autorka: Elina Harjunpää (Fínsko)
Cena: 1,000 €

Komentár poroty:
"The Melting Globe was one of the strongest and most holistic proposal in the competition. It has a wide approach, looking back at vernacular architecture and into the future by proposing the museum that focuses on the imminent climate changes in the artic region.

The proposal sets a dramatic stage for the natural scenography of the ongoing changes. It utilizes the whole site. By lowering the built volume, the roof becomes a surface for staging and backdrop for seasonal shift, and different qualities of snow and ice. By lowering the massing, the scheme provides great view across the river and the city with the globe as the key focus point. The sequence of spaces upon arrival to the project and tomblike entrance prepares the public for the museum experience. The grand staircase submerges the guests, and the central feature of the globe add to this narrative. The plans are well organized and considered, and especially the section describes the qualities of the project.

The author has proposed several convincing sustainability measures, from the overall concept to detailed understanding. The jury questions whether the choice of Cor-Ten steel as the main façade is the best material to create the required image for a snow museum. However, the jury would like to give the author credit for a brave, strong, and alarming architectural statement, a clear conceptual thinking and an ability to improve the design based on feedback. It was a close race with the winning entry."

Porota pri práci
Porota pri práciFoto: Sherpa
Foto: Visit Rovaniemi, Sherpa

Zdroj: Rukki

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