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6. december 2017

As We Know It: Prague From the Perspective of American Students

Výstava Amerických študentov o tom, ako vnímajú Prahu.
MiestoCAMP - Centrum architektury a městského plánování
AdresaVyšehradská 51,
Druh podujatiaPodujatie
+420 770 141 547

Twenty-One American Students have spent the past three months observing Prague from an outsiders perspective. This exhibition is a result of their research of the infrastructure and urban social construct of Prague, as they know it.


MY CUP OF COFFEE / Amy Grissom / An avant-garde style cafe that demonstrates the way people interacted and shared ideas in that time and to offer a comparison to the many types of cafes Prague has to offer today.

FREE MONEY! / Cameron Elliot and Rebecca Linker / There is an overuse of outdoor advertising in Prague and most of those advertisements the public is immune to. This exhibition is an experiment to prove or disprove the immunity to advertising.

GRAFFITI / Jacob Berry / A Satirical presentation of the overwhelming quantity of graffiti which mocks a more serious presentation of an important issue.

HOMELESSNESS IN PRAGUE / Sam Lackey / Bringing attention to the issue of homelessness using videos, facts and statistics. Proposing an intervention for the lack of social housing in Prague. Highlighting organizations in Prague that are already making a difference + what the viewer can do as an individual to make a difference.

COMMUTE: AN EIGHT PERSPECTIVE JOURNEY / Nick Rossitch and Emily Doyle / The goal of our presentation is to show the differences of public transportation through the eyes of eight different users along the same route. We plan to show the eight journeys simultaneously on the large screen while also showing their locations and difference in travel time. We want viewers to leave more open minded about the journeys others have to take through public transportation.

THE CHILDREN'S ISLAND / Kate Klinger / A redesign of the children’s island and making it accessible for all ages in a creative new way using topography.

A NEW LAYER FOR PRAGUE / Michael Juriga and Vagisha Kumar / Highlighting vertical opportunities in order to accommodate the future growth of Prague.

QUALITY VS. QUANTITY: IS BIGGER BETTER / Laura Ward / The intention of the video is to reveal the reasons why people will choose a space based on the quantity of it rather than the quality, and to leave viewers questioning their own beliefs on what factors make for a good home.

A SHORT PERSPECTIVE / Waad Husein / Prague is a city with no shortage of tourists, and the city is catered toward curating an experience for adults. This video showcases Prague from the perspective of a child, a forgotten audience, and an adult to highlight two drastically different experiences of the city.
Tensions in Transportation / Kathryn Waters / Exposing the behavioral and psychological reasoning behind why there is so much conflict between the four main modes of transportation on the roads.

PUBLIC INTERACTIONS / Liliana Carpano / The intention of this exhibition is to present footage, photographs, and data gathered throughout my social experiments. This provides a visual for people to assess my information regarding public spaces and human interaction.

BRIDGES IN PRAGUE / Darou Wang / An analysis on the bridges in Prague, which focuses on the strength of the bridges, and tries to identify some weaknesses of certain bridges. I am presenting a series of mitigation strategies which might help with the environment over and under those bridges. I also found mitigation strategies that have already been applied in some other bridges in Prague.

STREET HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL / Andrew Holliday / Comparing life on three streets of Prague.

BROKEN CONNECTIONS / Gabby Rowe, Sarah Alfes, and Gayandrial Henderson / Open the gates and seize the day! Three students set out on a mission to discover locked and hidden spaces throughout the area of Prague 2.

YOUR LIFE IN THE METRO / Marie Samek / An animation of how small changes could make a big difference. My goal is to get people to pay attention to and care about the experience of using the metro.

ARCHITECTONIC REGRESSION / Sam Prescott / Three revolutionary buildings of their time vs what they are now, abandoned. Three revolutionary buildings of today and rendering as if they follow the same path.

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