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2. október 2017

Autorská výstava: JANA ŽELIBSKÁ

Srdečná Vás pozývame na verisáž výstavy Jany Želibskej 2. októbra o 18:00 hod. v Gandy gallery v Bratislave.
MiestoGandy gallery
AdresaSienkiewiczova 4,
Druh podujatiaVýstava
KontaktGandy gallery

Gandy gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the second solo show of Jana Želibská held in the gallery. One of the most important female artists of Slovak contemporary art is currently presenting her installation “Swan Song: Now” in Czecho-Slovak Pavilion at 57th Venice Biennale.

At the exhibition in Gandy gallery Želibská will show some of her most recent works, especially objects, photos and installations. Likewise in her previous oeuvre, Želibská creates critical works about the current social conditions, but which do not miss a certain sense of humour or irony. The topics she is interested in, are mostly those concerning a woman, her body, its representation and her position in the society. For several years Želibská also examines the subjects connected to the time, its passing and impermanence. Among other presented works, visitors can also see ready-made installations such as Pudding for Two or Choir, both from 2016.

Jana Želibská (1941, Olomouc), visual artist living and working in Bratislava, play a key role on Slovak artistic scene from the end of the Sixties. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and she started her artistic and exhibition career in 1967 with the exhibition Možnosť odkrývania (Possibility of uncovering) at Gallery of Cyprián Majerník in Bratislava. During the following year she spent several months in a residency program in Paris, but she returned back to already occupied Czechoslovakia. Despite this fact, her exhibition activity was and still continues to be very rich. Her work was exhibited in many Slovak, as well as foreign institutions: Tate Modern (London), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Ludwig Muzeum (Budapest), Zacheta – Narodowa Galeria Sztuky (Warsaw), Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (Vienna), Gosudarstvennyj centre sovremennovo iskusstva (Moscow), Space Apollonia (Strasbourg), Galleria Valentina Moncada (Rome), Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana (Bucharest), Centre tchèque (Paris), Embassy of the Slovak Republic (Washington D. C.), Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Wörlen (Passau), Národní galerie v Praze (Prague), XLVIII. Biennale di Venezia, Czechoslovak pavilion, Giardini di Castello (Venice), Courtyard Gallery (New York), Musée d´Art Moderne de la ville de Paris (Paris), Museo Universitario (Mexico) and others.

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