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Vyhlásenie | 19.1.2022 11:00 |
Odovzdanie návrhov | 30.6.2022 23:59 |
Vyhlasovateľ | Empa (švajčiarsky federálny materiálový výskumný inštitút) |
Adresa | Überlandstrasse 129 , Dübendorf, Švajčiarsko |
Druh podujatia | Súťaž |
Kontakt | Michal Ganobjak michal.ganobjak@empa.ch |
Aerogel Architecture Award 2022 je súťaž pre architektov, stavetných inžinierov a študentov. Do druhého ročníku medzinárodne súťaže môžu účastníci posielať projekty, na ktorých bol použitý aerogél ako izolačný materiál. Výzva je určená tiež študentom, ktorí sa môžu zapojiť prostredníctvom ideových návrhov s využitím tepelnoizolačných, akustických alebo translucentných vlastností aerogélov.
Vyhlasovateľom medzinárodnej je Empa (švajčiarsky federálny materiálový výskumný inštitút). Ako sekretár súťaž organizačne zabezpečuje Michal Ganobjak (Aerogel building integration Laboratory for Building Energy Materials and Components).
Výzva - Empa
https://www.empa.ch/web/s604/ aaa-2022-call
Webstránka AAA 2022
We are delighted to invite you to submit your examples of aerogel use in architecture, construction, refurbishment and monument preservation as built solutions or student projects. We are searching for the top realized projects internationally to showcase the best projects of architects, civil engineers and students of these fields. The best projects selected by our jury will be shortlisted for our Aerogel Architecture Awards ceremony hosted near Zurich at NEST Empa campus, which will give broad recognition to the projects. The projects will be published in relevant international publications and portals. The award celebrates the best examples with regards to energy efficiency, unconventional solutions, translucent daylighting, high performing buildings solutions with use of superinsulating aerogel materials.
CATEGORYREALIZED SOLUTIONS / architects, civil engineers and their studios
STUDENT DESIGNS / architecture and civil engineering students
January 19, 2022 – Competition announcement and registration opens
June 30, 2022 – Project submission deadline (23:59 hours Zurich time)
August 05, 2022 - afternoon, Winners’ announcement event, Nest building, Empa Duebendorf (on-site, streamed)
Ralf Kilian // Fraunhofer IBP / Preservation of Historic Monuments and Preventive Conservation / Germany
Beat Kämpfen // Kämpfen Zinke + Partner / Switzerland
Volker Herzog // Herzog-architektur / Germany
Manfred Wehdorn // Wehdorn architekten / Austria
Matthias Koebel // Empa / Building Energy Materials and Components / Switzerland
Architectural and civil engineering studios can submit realized project of renovation, refurbishment or new buildings locat-ed in any country and place. Students of architecture and civil engineering can submit their proposals and design studio projects with use of aerogels. The award is communicated in English. Projects should be no older than three years. Highly encouraged are submissions of realized projects of renovation or protected buildings, refurbished buildings and new build-ings where the energy efficiency was improved using aerogel insulation materials or translucency of silica aeorgels is used. Winners will be invited to Switzerland for the announcement event, which will take place at the NEST building at the Empa campus in Duebendorf (Zurich). The winners will receive a memorial trophy and will be invited to introduce shortly their project within ca. 10 minutes to broader audience. Please send a ZIP or RAR file (max. 20MB) to email michal.ganobjak@empa.ch (secretary) untill deadline. Files to download (poster layout).
1 PDF A1 size poster (portrait) with plans, section, photographs and linear drawings (poster layout to download higher)
1-3 pcs JPEG - cover photos of the project, which will be used in media and webpages, high resolution
1x detail of use of aerogel based insulation (on the poster), linear technical drawing with emphasized aerogel part (Blue RGB – 95,183,215) and list of materials
Fill please the registration form with the survey on aerogel use in your project, description ca. 300 words of the project. Text, picture and detail can be on the poster. (FORM UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Preservation of appearance in case of cultural heritage
Energy efficiency concept
Originality of the solution
with selected materials types and projects of aerogel building applications.
Príklady realizácií s využitím aerogélu ako tepelnej izolácie nájdete na stránke Aerogel Anwendungen, alebo v priloženej brožúre: