Climate of innovation
Ivanská cesta 30/A
Okná pre pasívne domy
Galvaniho 15 B
Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce
BIM knižnice a objekty
Stará Vajnorská 139
Dokonalá izolácia
Stará Vajnorská 139
Prielohy 1012/1C
Štúrova 136B
Začiatok | 6.9.2017 09:00 |
Koniec | 6.9.2017 18:00 |
Miesto | Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze |
Adresa | Náměstí Jana Palacha 80/3, Praha, Česká republika |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze +420 251 098 111 |
Guests: Phil Ayres, Giulio Brugnaro, Erik Martinez + Martin Alvarez, Christoph Müller, Stefana Parascho, Jan Petrš, Jindřich Ráftl, Shota Tsikoliya + Imro Vaško + David Kovařík, Tomáš Tholt, Mateusz Zwierzycki
rese arch MEETUP is an annual international conference and networking event bringing together practitioners and theorists of computational design in architecture, experts in digital manufacturing and related contemporary thinkers and philosophers.
The event takes a form of a mid-size informal gathering of peer designers and researchers in the field of computational design in architecture. Each of the speakers holds a 20 minutes long lecture followed by 20 minutes Q&A session. The purpose is to update the peers of each-other’s personal projects, agendas and research. It is also a great opportunity to eventually meet in person and arrange future collaborations in a professional, yet friendly and relaxed environment. Last year the meetup revolved around the topic of behavioral simulations.