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6. jún 2016

The DETAIL Prize 2016

Architekti z celého sveta sa od 17. mája do 30. júna 2016 môžu opäť prihlásiť so svojimi realizovanými projektami budov všetkých typov - charakteristickými inovatívnymi detailami v rámci celkovej koncepcie.
Odovzdanie návrhov30.6.2016
Vyhlasovateľčasopis Detail
Adresa ,
Druh podujatiaSúťaž
KontaktGisela Graf
0049 761 791 99 09

Tento rok budú udelené i dve nové, špeciálne ceny - DETAIL inside a DETAIL structure a prezentované v dvoch nových formátoch časopisu DETAIL. Popri architektoch, interiérových dizajnéroch môžu svoje projekty prihlásiť takisto i stavební a statickí inžinieri.
Ďalšou udeľovanou cenou je i online cena čitateľov časopisu DETAIL.

Prihlasovať do súťaže sa môžete na webovej stránke Detail.

DETAIL is awarding the DETAIL Prize for the seventh time in ten years. Until 30 June 2016, architects from all over the world can submit their realized projects for all building types that are characterized by innovative details within a coherent overall concept. For the first time this year, two special prizes, DETAIL inside and DETAIL structure, will also be awarded in reflection of the two new formats of the DETAIL journal. Besides architects, interior designers, specifiers and designers as well as civil and structural engineers can now also submit their projects. Also on offer is the DETAIL Readers' Prize, the winner of which will be decided by the DETAIL readership by means of an online vote. All entries for the DETAIL Prize 2016 should be submitted online.

The DETAIL editorial team will choose the most impressive projects from all the entries. In July, in a second step, a jury of renowned experts, including Enrique Sobejano, Mike Schlaich, Gilles Retsin, Peter Ippolito and Daniel Lischer (Winner DETAIL Prize 2012) will from the nominations select the winners of the DETAIL Prize 2016.

At a public symposium to be held on 11 November 2016 in Berlin, the three winning projects for the main prize and the prize-winning projects for the other categories will be presented by the respective offices. The prizes will be handed over the same evening at a gala award ceremony. An exhibition of the selected projects at BAU 2017, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, in Munich in January 2017 will mark the conclusion of the DETAIL Prize 2016 competition.

The DETAIL Prize, this year being awarded for the seventh time in ten years, is awarded to futureoriented, innovative and standard-setting projects that have outstanding architectural and technical qualities. The winner of the DETAIL Prize 2014 was the Danish Maritime Museum, Copenhagen, designed by the BIG Bjarke Ingels Group. In total, 343 projects from 41 countries were submitted, which were evaluated by a renowned jury, which in past years has included star architects such as Valerio Olgiati, David Chipperfield and Lord Norman Foster.

The prize is awarded every two years by DETAIL in cooperation with BAU 2017 as the premium partner, Gartner as the main sponsor, conceptual partners from the political arena, and industry sponsors. This year for the first time, construction software manufacturer Orca is also on board as a sponsor. The declared aim of the DETAIL Prize is to highlight the importance of architecture for society, to strengthen the role of architects in public, and to promote networking among architects, industrialists, developers and politicians.

DETAIL once again looks forward to numerous submissions!

All the information on the competition can be found here.

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