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V aktuálnom ročníku Grand Prix Architektů - Národnej ceny za architektúru 2021, ktorú od roku 1993 organizuje česká Obec architektů, bolo prihlásených 231 prác. Je to najrozsiahlejšia architektonickú súťaž v Českej republike.
O výsledkoch rozhodovala už tradične päťčlenná porota. Štvoricu zahraničných porotcov dopĺňa vždy jeden člen z Českej republiky:
Ceny, udelené v rámci Grand Prix Architektů majú podobu sklenenej kocky, ktorej autorom je Bohumil Eliáš starší, český sklársky výtvarník, sochár, maliar a grafik. Na remeslo svojho otca nadviazal jeho syn Bohumil Eliáš mladší, ktorý dnes vyrába tieto originálne trofeje.
V XXVIII. ročníku ceny českej Obce architektů zvíťazil a Grand Prix zíískal projekt Ladislava Kubu, Tomáša Pilařa a Martina Klimeckého / Ateliér: Kuba & Pilař architekti - Přestavba menzy koleje 17. listopadu Fakulty Humanitních studiích Univerzity Karlovy (realizáciu sme podrobne predstavili v samostatnom článku).
Autori dostali z rúk rektora ČVUT v Prahe Vojtecha Petráčka artefakt Velká modrá kostka z dielne Bohumila Eliáša.
Komentár poroty:
The Jury of 2021 Grand Prix of Czech architecture has decided to award with the main award the project Fakulta humanitních studií UK – přestavba menzy Koleje 17. Listopadu.
The jury was captivated with the overall idea and the concept of reusing the historical monument of the University canteen to a new home for the Faculty of Humanities. In this sense the University sets an exemplary precedent, which advocates the historical patrimonies, unlike the other project in the Grand Prix range of the University campus in Usti and Labem.
The jury was also attracted by the architects’ generous approach to the work of the Czech renowned architect’s work. The architectural design of Kuba & Pilař architekti respond to the original design of Karel Prager as (only) an interpretation of the original concept, but with logic and considerate form!
The new Kuba & Pilař design inverts the spatial concept of the original canteen building; the closed program became the opened void and the open-space dining area around the solid core became the area of closed well-lit classrooms, cabinets and the administration offices on the building perimeter.
The jury was impressed by the thoughtfully elaborated and well thought relationship between façade, structure, the building’s technical infrastructure, interior cladding, furniture, etc.
The restructuring of the existing building is a real renaissance. The building appears to be totally new and this operation is a real rebirth. Taking advantage of all the pillars of the old building, the resulting new building is architecturally very rigorous and very coherent. The architectural design from the envelope, the living spaces dedicated to teaching and supporting premises down to the smallest interior detail reveals a real mastery of architecture which was to be rewarded with this 2021 Annual Prize.
The jury points out the importance of the upcoming project of landscape architecture, the jury believes the new life opportunity given to the space inside the building should be soon given also to the connected landscape to establish the interaction with the
Súčasťou slávnostného večera, ktorý sa konal 9. novembra v priestoroch pražskej Betlehemskej kaplnky, bolo tiež odovzdanie Ceny za celoživotné dielo, ktorú udeľuje Rada Obce architektov. Pocta v aktuálnom ročníku bola udelená Ing. arch. Viktorovi Rudišovi. Pracovný aj osobný život výraznej osobnosti Českej architektúry je spätý predovšetkým s Brnom. Za Rekonštrukciu a dostavbu pavilónu G na brnianskom výstavisku získal Grand Prix Architektů 1996.
„V letošním roce byl velký rozdíl v práci poroty a to především v tom, že porota si nevybrala ze svého středu předsedu. Rozhodování bylo tedy jednomyslné, všechny vítězné projekty získaly plný počet, to je 5 hlasů. Již v prvním kole, kdy porota rozhodovala o výběru finalistů, mělo mnoho projektů 4 nebo 5 hlasů. Proto musel být shortlist finalistů rozšířen z 50 na 55. Je vynikající, že hlavní cena je hrazena z veřejných financí. V loňském roce tomu bylo stejně, kdy vyhrála Městská hala Modřice,“ uviedol k udeľovaniu cien Oleg Haman, predseda Obce architektov.
Víťazi v jednotlivých kategóriách:
Kategória Novostavba
Přístavba kanceláře ve Vysokém Mýtě (dielo sme predstavili tu)
Autori: Martin Prokš, Marek Přikryl
Ateliér: Prokš Přikryl architekti
Cena - Malá modrá kostka
Komentár poroty:
The Jury of 2021 Grand Prix of Czech architecture has decided to award with the main award the project Fakulta humanitních studií UK – přestavba menzy Koleje 17. Listopadu.
The jury was captivated with the overall idea and the concept of reusing the historical monument of the University canteen to a new home for the Faculty of Humanities. In this sense the University sets an exemplary precedent, which advocates the historical patrimonies, unlike the other project in the Grand Prix range of the University campus in Usti and Labem.
The jury was also attracted by the architects’ generous approach to the work of the Czech renowned architect’s work. The architectural design of Kuba & Pilař architekti respond to the original design of Karel Prager as (only) an interpretation of the original concept, but with logic and considerate form!
The new Kuba & Pilař design inverts the spatial concept of the original canteen building; the closed program became the opened void and the open-space dining area around the solid core became the area of closed well-lit classrooms, cabinets and the administration offices on the building perimeter.
The jury was impressed by the thoughtfully elaborated and well thought relationship between façade, structure, the building’s technical infrastructure, interior cladding, furniture, etc.
The restructuring of the existing building is a real renaissance. The building appears to be totally new and this operation is a real rebirth. Taking advantage of all the pillars of the old building, the resulting new building is architecturally very rigorous and very coherent. The architectural design from the envelope, the living spaces dedicated to teaching and supporting premises down to the smallest interior detail reveals a real mastery of architecture which was to be rewarded with this 2021 Annual Prize.
The jury points out the importance of the upcoming project of landscape architecture, the jury believes the new life opportunity given to the space inside the building should be soon given also to the connected landscape to establish the interaction with the surroundings.
Kategória Renovácia
Radnice pro Prahu 7 (dielo sme predstavili tu)
Autori: Ing. arch. Vojtěch Sosna, Ing. arch. Jakub Straka, Ing. arch. Jáchym Svoboda
Ateliér: Atelier bod architekti s.r.o.
Cena - Malá modrá kostka
Komentár poroty:
The jury appreciates the overall approach and the process from the initial idea to the realization of the new Municipality hall of the Prague 7 district.
The jury positively recognizes the project for the coherency between the overall relocation process and the architecture. It’s important to mention that similarly to the Main Grand Prix Award, this project is also a result of an open architectural competition.
The project convinces and pleases the jury with moderate solutions used throughout the building, without the use of any opulent elements or solutions. The architecture of the building, the spatial interior concept and the choice of materials respond to the new location of the building. The building highlights the new centrepoint in the heart of the Holesovice district. The jury also appreciates the gesture of the outdoor terraces. Each floor has it’s own relation with the outdoors. The terraces have become the extension of the interior offices, allowing people to meet and collaborate in the fresh air.
The building's simple and rational materiality is impresive. Everything in the building is organized in a very consistent way, the interior of the building demonstrates clarity as well as the austere and positive mood. It is inviting, open and comfortable space for the district’s municipality of the 21st century. The building’s architecture manifests its proximity to people and represents the kindness to host everybody inside.
The Jury awards the project for the comprehensive demonstration of the reused structure in the heart of the city district, for using the compact solution for a civic building, where well used space, austere materiality and modest use of all resources and other means of expression in the project, are used in order Not to waste!
Kategória Rekonštrukcia
Zpracování projektové dokumentace na rekonstrukci Libušína (viac tu)
Ateliér: Masák & Partner s.r.o.
Cena - Malá modrá kostka
Komentár poroty:
The jury recognizes the project for the dedicated approach to the reconstruction of the historic monument, on all levels. The jury awards the project for wider relevance. The project emphasizes the importance of heritage monuments outside the centers.
Libušín is listed a national cultural heritage since 1996, as one of 2 famous dominant buildings on Pustevny was built in 1898 by local tourist association Radhošť. In 2014 the building was hit by a fire that severely damaged the building, destroyed the dining room, including probable murals by Mikoláš Aleš.
The restoration of the work of architect Dušan Jurkovič, the prominent representative of Art Nouveau architecture, was of course a self-evident necessity. But the projects went farther beyond the necessity. The reconstruction of Libušín is not only a celebration of the Jurkovič’s very distinctive style strongly influenced by folk architecture, but also demonstration of his main inspirations by the Arts and Crafts movement executed and performed in 21st century.
The jury awards the reconstruction of Libušín for the outstanding quality of craft and for giving the house new life for many years to go onward. The project is a celebration of the region and its traditions on the highest level.
Kategória Rodinný dom
Dům na Kozině (dielo sme predstavili tu)
Autori: Barbora Weinzettlová, Jiří Weinzettl
Ateliér: atelier 111 architekti
Cena - Malá modrá kostka
Komentár poroty:
As the absolutely best example model for the project in the category of the Family house, the jury awards the House Na Kozině in Trhové Sviny.
The awarded project Na Kozině combines all positive aspects mentioned previously in all other awarded projects. The project plays with available ingrediencies and results in a coherent story of a magic place and a poetic housing settlement for a 4-member family.
The story of the house starts with the comeback of the clients from the capital city, back to the scenic and well-preserved small hometown in South Bohemia. In the span of several years the clients step by step acquired small neighboring houses, one by one, and slowly grow the architectural intention of combining them into one family home.
The Jury awards the project for the overall synergy between the town and the architecture, between the client and the house, between the houses itself, between inside and outside, and between the environment and the historic memory.
The house demonstrates a strong sense of respect and connection with the place.
With small resources and a limited amount of means of expression, the architects sensibly, responsibly, economically and creatively designed generous and surprising spaces for simple and modest living. The house Na Kozině is an outstanding example of responsible and novel housing of 21st century.
Kategória Krajinná architektúra
Obnova krajiny kočárových koní (viac tu)
Cena byla vyhlášena bez uvedení autorů.
Cena - Malá zelená kostka
Komentár poroty:
In the field of the Landscape architecture the jury awards the project of the restoration of a historic landscape, Obnova krajiny kočárových koní. Similarly, to the project of the restoration of the house Libušín, the jury appreciates the thorough and sensitive approach to the restoration of the neglected landscape.
A decision to restore a historic landscape is an achievement in itself; first, a landscape is a palimpsest, and it is not easy to either separate its historic layers or to decide which one to reconstruct, second, it is constantly evolving: its reconstruction may demand the felling of trees, which needs to be justified and carefully coordinated with the public.
The project Obnova krajiny kočárových koní is complete and consistent. It addresses the two most important layers, the one from the 16th and the one from the 19th century with due respect, putting the older - the most precious - in the foreground. The design principles that were used to create the old pasture landscape were fully reapplied while the decision to keep some younger trees from the time of The Picturesque as a secondary layer followed the principle of the unfolding views. Thus, the younger layer remained complementary and does not interfere with the experience of the older one.
Supported by historical research, smart in design evaluation, precise in landscape-construction techniques and with the maintenance plan to preserve the reconstructed landscape beyond the life span of the oak trees, the work must have been a well-orchestrated endeavor, combining the knowledge from various fields. The jury sees the result as sound and poetic.
Kategória Malá architektúra
Věčná loviště (dielo sme predstavili tu)
Autori: Petr Hájek, Martin Stoss, Cornelia Klien
Ateliér: Petr Hájek ARCHITEKTI, s.r.o.
Cena - Malá modrá kostka
Komentár poroty:
The Jury of 2021 Grand Prix of Czech architecture has decided to award with the Architectural Object Prize the project Věčná loviště.
The jury was captivated with the landscape intervention of the Věčná loviště project and also fascinated with the overall holistic synergy between the project idea, location, client, architect, budget and the overall construction process. The way how the means of expressions are orchestrated on the site, combines elements of reverence and respect and instigate to think beyond a conventional terrestrial dimension.
The project of the animal crematorium is located in the slumbering landscape of the former military site watching over the Prague’s airspace. The approach to the project through the forgotten nature is in introductory and necessary component of the architectural object.
The continuation of the approach towards the reflecting façade further instigates the philosophical questions of the journey and the time.
The architectural layout of the building provides multiple options for the clients to use. The interior is built with minimum of expressive resources, equipped with simple design and simple executed to the last detail. The interior provides clean and calming spaces with a special room, which provides magical reverential atmosphere.
The jury awards the project for a unique singularity approach in every aspect of the project.
The project instigates contemplations and provides multiple ways of understanding and experiencing the site. The landscape interaction with the architectural object provides joint and remarkable experience.
Šetrná stavba
Czech Green Building Council / Česká rada pro šetrné budovy/ ako odborný partner vybral skupinu projektov, z ktorých porota následne určila víťaza kategórie.
Kategória Šetrná stavba
Altán městské knihovny ve Vamberku (viac tu)
Autor: Martin Kožnar
Spolupráca: Miroslav Bachura, Jonáš Kolařík, Ondřej Hart
Cena - Malá stříbrná kostka
Komentár poroty:
The jury decided to bestow a Sustainability Award to the community library glass house Altán městské knihovny ve Vamberku for the overall approach to get built a common public space in a considerable and responsible way.
The overall light structure, the use of minimum building materials, the responsible material choice of wooden structure and the use of natural materials, provide possible recyclability of all elements after the end of the life-span of the building.
V aktuálnom ročníku neboli udelené ceny v kategórii Interiér a Urbanizmus. Porota sa však porota rozhodla udeliť 3 čestné uznania
Čestné uznanie
Ústřední autobusové nádraží Zvonařka (dielo sme predstavili tu)
Cena - diplom
Komentár poroty:
It´s a bold simple intervention which is bettering the experience of bus travel. Welcome design decision in time when public transportation systems need to be a prime mean of mobility.
We apriciate that the idea to improve the bus station came from architects themself, they took an action and started to speak with the client.
Čestné uznanie
Bytový dům Panna a Baba (viac tu)
Autori: Milan Jirovec, Matyáš Sedlák, Miroslav Holubec, Tomáš Fejkl
Ateliér: m4 architekti s.r.o.
Cena - diplom
Komentár poroty:
The jury decided to award with a special mention residential project Panna a Baba.
The residential buildings Panna a Baba are sculptured by the architect to fit well to the context. The volumes respond and fit well with the neighboring structures. The project also suggests the change of the neighboring park to be developed and interact with the development. The jury appreciates the work on the overall composition and the apartment layouts of suitable standards for contemporary living.
The correctness of the volumes built on a single base, which connects the slope of the land and directs the operation through a terrace towards the landscape, respectfully took into the account the urban context. The two inhabited volumes orient themselves independently towards the outdoor space and the effect of the oblique roofs accentuates this dynamic, giving this operation a singular relevance.
Čestné uznanie
Kaplička Čtyř svatých (viac tu)
Autor: Kamil Měrka
Ateliér: ti2 architekti
Cena - diplom
Komentár poroty:
The jury decided to award with a special mention the residential project Kaplička Čtyř svatých, a small, delicate, and almost unnoticeable intervention in the landscape.
The jury appreciates the architectural step into the landscape with a small and humble intervention, which reminds and invites us to have discreet and silent stops in our daily busy lives.
Porota počas prehliadky víťazného diela:
Porotcovia v poradí zhora nadol:
Jan Magasanik (Česká republika / Dánsko)
Ana Kučan (Slovinsko )
Štefan Moravčík (Slovensko)
Anne-Françoise Jumeau (Francúzsko)
Michiel Hofman (Holandsko)